News from our kennel dated in 2017-2012:
Damien took a part on a little trip with his breeders from Amnis rhei to Lublin in Poland (10.12.2016). There was international dog show with judge from UK - Richard Kinsey. In strong competition Damien became Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB!
Adel with her master took a part at winter canicross (Bosorkin canicross 11.12.2016), they had excellent time.
Bond - James Bond was at show in Valencia (Spain, 17.12.2016), he obtained Very promising & Best puppy!
Daughter of our Asan - Verva Actis - received beautiful results at All breed dog show in Ireland - she wins the junior bitch class Group 1!
We have 3 photos in well-know calendar 2017 at international Collie-online website!! Samantha with B-puppies, Asan & Damien...
New photogallery from our "private collie meeting" with friends on Klatov meadows :)
We added new photos: Brahms, Bond - James Bond, Blanche, Adelaide, Damien & Samantha.
News from last 2 months are ready.... :) On the picture are 3 princess from the family of our Bellinda.
We updated profiles & added new photos: Asan, Bouboulina, Bacardi, Brahms, Bellinda, Blanche, James Bond, Adel and Damien too.
08.10.2016 we took a part at international dog show in Komarom (Hungary). Blanche won puppy class with Very promising 1 and Asan became Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, Crufts Qualification and BOS! Judge was Charlotte Hoier, breeder and specialist from Denmkar.
Photogallery from the show in Komarom.
08.-09.10.2016 Damien was on a trip in Romania (2x international dog show in Turda) with his breeders & our friends from kennel Amnis Rhei. He was awarded as 2xCAC, res.CACIB, CACIB, BOB and fulfilled condition to Grandchampion title! Thank you to team Amnis rhei for lovely presentation and taking such a good care about our blackboy.
13.11.2016 we could not miss Collie Club show in Badbergen (Germany), under renowned breed specialist Alan Clark from GB. There were about 70 collies at the show, from differend countries (DE, FR, NL,...) Our Damien won champion class (Excellent 1, CAC), Adel was Excellent 3 (in open class from 10 bitches) and Blanche Very promising in puppy class!
Big thans to organizers for a lovely show & all old and new friends for a very lovely time.
During this weekend we made also a very short trip to Holland and visited this beautiful country and one of our friends there - breeders from kennel Baska´s Collies.
Photos from this weekend in new photogallery. :)
We are very proud of show-successes under breed specialists in abroad !!!
News from Spain - Bond - James Bond took a part at international dog show in Valls and received fantastic achievements in puppy class: Very promising 1, Best Puppy & Best puppy in Group!!
We have very successfu daughter of our Asan in Ireland - Verva Actis. She attended several shows with excellent results. Last time she was Best In Group 1 in her age of 10 months!!
16.9.2016 - IDS Kecskemét (Hungary) - Asan was awared as Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB!! Blanche was Very promising in puppy class. Photogallery from the show uploaded! Judge: June Wall from Ireland.
17.9.2016 - Special collie & sheltie Club Show in Nitra.
Our younsters Bacardi, Blanche, Bellinda did a great job in puppy class!! Adelaide was Excellent in open class females, Asan Excellent 2, res.CAC in open class males (from 7 dogs), and Damien Excellent 1, CAC in champion class. Damien also fullfiled conditions for Club champion!!!
Show news from Spain - Bondie took a part at 2x IDS in Bilbao - he was both days Very promising, Best baby!!
Show news from Ireland - Verva Actis, daughter of our Asan won several times at shows - she received also Green Star bitch title!!
Our offsprings from A-litter celebrated their 3th birthday!! Wish him only the best....
We added new photos to all puppies from B-litter. Thank you to their owners, appy to see them growing up... ♥
Despite last days were so busy, we couldnt miss the Clubshow in Austria (Boheimkirchen), under breed specialist Brian Hawkins (kennel Brilyn). We received fantastic results!!! <
Damien - Excellent 1, CACA (open males), Asan - Excellent 2, res. CACA (champion males), Blanche - Very promising (baby females), Adele - Excellent 1, CACA (open females).
You can look at the photos from this show.
New photogallery from our collie trip to Čierny Váh we made last week.
We had to say goodbye to our last puppy - Bond - James Bond. Bondie´s new home is in Spain - kennel Delfluvia. We wish all the best with him to his new owners, Josep & Cristina!
Asan took a part at National Dog show Veľká Ida - 2.7.2016. He was awarded as Excellent 1, CAC (judge: Sandor Szabo (HU)
We added new photos to Asan, and also our B-puppies: Bellinda, Bouboulina, Blanche, Brahms, Bondie. Thanks to their owner for every photo, mail or call.
B-puppies are in new homes. We wish the beautiful moments with puppies to their owners! Bouboulina & James Bond will stay longer with us....
Have your ever seen puppies "play golf"? Video of our b-puppies on Adventure golf.
We received some wonderful news from breeding world:
- Puppy after our Asan - Verva Actis - traveled to to Ireland, little kennel Dromtane
- In kennel Amnis Rhei (Slovakia) was born super litter after our Damien
- In kennel Branlico (Poland) we are expecting lovely litter after Asan
- Also in kennel Angie's Angels (Hungary) očakávame v júni vrh, opäť po našomwe are expecting puppies after Asan
Thanks to the breeder for their trust in our stud dogs! Wish him wonderful offsprings..
New video of our actuallty B litter!!
7.5. we took a part at Collie Clubshow in Szilvásvárad (Hungary). Our Asan was awarded as Excellent 1, CAC, Club winner & BOS!!! Judge: breed specialist: Karen McDevitt (IRL) - thank you! You can look at few photos from the show.
We added photos from: Collie Clubshow Lučenec (SK) & Collie Clubshow Chropyně (CZ).
New photos and videos of our actuallty B litter!!
7.5. we were at Collie Clubshow in Chropyně - Czech republic. Our Damien was awarded as Excellent 1, CAC, Club winner & BOS from 60 collies! Judge: breed specialist Geoff Duffiel (UK) - thank you!!!
We added new photos to Asan and Damien. ♥
We have puppies !!! 6 wonderful darksable darlings - 3 boys & 3 girl. Potos, info & names here, in puppy section.
At 16.4. we took a part at our Club in Lučenec. Our collies received lovely results & really wonderful judgements from fantastic judge (UK breeder specialist) Tony Iley, in very strong competition! More photos and information soon.
Adele - Excellent (open females - 13)
Asan - Excellent 2, res. CAC (open males - 6)
Damien - Excellent 3 (champion males - 6)
The most beautiful news for us: we are expecting puppies !!! More information here, in puppy page.
We added names & new photos to progeny of our Asan.
We took a part at International dog show in Brno (Czech Republic) with Damien in champion class. He made us very happy! Breeders & collie owners from 7 countries (F, RU, DE, HU, SK, CZ, PL) entered their collies at the show and our darling Dami was Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOS !!!
Photogallery from International dog show Brno (CZ).
Our Asan is a father for the first time !!! 4 lovely & big sable puppies (2 boys & 2 girls) were born in kennel Actis (in Poland).
♥ More info & photos of this litter here. ♥
Our team Fellow of Eternity won 4.TOP COLLIE ROUGH KENNEL in prestige club competition TOP dog 2015 !!!
Despite the fact, that we don't attend shows as often as before, we gained some very high results under the specialist.
We are very happy when we see, that what we do with love, we do well!
Our lady Samantha had 5. Birthday! We wish her many many happy years with us.... :)
We were in Ljubljana (Slovenia) for a weekend with our Damien. We enjoyed the time & on saturday we presented ourselves at 2 dog shows there: international & club show. Here is photogallery from the trip in Ljubljana. Here you can find another one photogallery, only with collies from shows.
In december we took a part at canicross - "Bosorkin canicross". Adele, Asan & Samantha run with us.
This weekend we spent (7.-8.11.2015) in Czech Republic.There were double-Clubshow in Mladá Boleslav, with very honorable judges: Mr. Michel Mocqué and Didier Dupont (France). We presented our two youngers.
2-years-old Damien in champion class (5 males) - Excellent 2, res. CAC
Adele in open class (7 females) - Excellent 2, res. CAC
We are very proud of them!! Nice to see our collies in international competition with great results. Thanks to our friend from Slovakia, for such a lovely weekend & their company. We updated photogallery:
Photogallery from Double-Collie-Clubshow in Mladá Boleslav (Czech Republic)
We would like to introduce you our new BIS WINNER! ♥ Ch. Damien Black Amnis Rhei !!!
We are very happy with results of our collies from well-organised Special Collie & Sheltie Show, Prešov 2015. Damien won Best of Breed & Best in Show. Judge: Pawel Boniecki, PL. Big congratulations to everyone, thank you for beautiful day!! We are very proud of our collies, offsrpings, friends... ♥
Damien - intermediate males - Excellent 1, CAC, Special Winner, BOB, BIS !!!
Sunny - open males - Excellent 1, CAC
Adele - open females - Excellent 2, res. CAC (from 5)
Samantha - champion females - Excellent 2, res. CAC
- Photogallery from Special collie & sheltie Clubshow in Prešov
New photos also in Sunny´s photogallery.
At 22.8.2015 we took a part at the Special collie & sheltie Club Show in Ostrava - Czech Repulic. Best collie (BOB & 2. BIS) at this show became our Samantha !!! ♥ Judge was Róbert Kotlár, HU.
Damien - inetermediate class - Excellent 2, res. CAC
Samantha - champion class - Excellent 1, CAC, Special Winner, BOB, 2. BIS !!!
Thank you very much to our friends for such a lovely day...
- Special collie Clubshow in Ostrava (CZ) - photogallery
We spent some lovely days on mountains with our collies and friends. Hiking was great and weather ideal, We added some photos:
- Hiking Babky 1566 m. (Western Tatras)
- Trip to Kmeťov waterfall and Temnosmrečianske lake 1677 m.
New photos have our Adele and Damien.
We are very proud of our Adele: she received Excellent 1, CAC at National Dog Show in Košice (4.7.2015)!!
Our Sunny - Asan has new photos with lavenders... :)
We added photos from Club Show in Lučenec.
New photos have Damien and Adele.
We added new photos in galleries of all our collies.
This weekend (11.4.2015) we had Collie Club Show in Lučenec.
Judge was Mr. Michel Mocque, very well-known judge-specialist & collie breeder from France.
Damien first time in champion class, obtained Excellent 1, CAC, Best movement in breed & short list for Best head !!!
Sunny was Excellent 2, reserve CAC in intermediate class!
Adelka won her intermediate class, first from 3 females with Excellent result!
Big thanks to our friends from Slovakia, Hungary and Czech Republic, for such a lovely weekend!!!
In a few days we will add complete photogallery from the show.
Damien, Adelka & Sunny on the poster of collie Clubshow in Lučenec.
Samantha with her A-puppies again on banner on the website Collie Life.
Sunny´s portrait in calendar (for April) on french website collie-online
Some news from wonderful trip with great friends to Cluj Napoca. :) Thank you very much to my freinds for such a great time we spent together!! ♥ Adelka, Sunny and Dami are CHAMPIONS now ♥
Adelaide: 2x CAC, res. CACIB
Asan: 2x CAC, CACIB, res.CACIB
Damien: 2x CAC, res. CACIB, CACIB, BOB
More photos you can see in this gallery.
Adelaide and Sunny on proposition of Club Show 2015!
Sunny in calendar on famous international collie webpage: collie-online!
We have results from all-year-club-show competition TOP DOG. Some show and sports results had also our collies & they won:
ADELAIDE - 2. TOP junior female, 2. TOP sports collie, 3. TOP club hope
ASAN - 3. TOP junior male, 6. TOP male
DAMIEN - 1. TOP junior male, 2. TOP male, 4. TOP sports collie
SAMANTHA - 3. TOP sports collie,
Kennel FELLOW OF ETERNITY - 5. TOP kennel!
Many thanks for presentation of our puppies ♥
We added some new winter photos from our walks and trips.
We obtained some new photos & DM result of our Adele - the same results as her mother Sam.
During free days we spent our time in nature:
- Višňovská valley with Dami & Sam
- Zádielská valley with Sunny
You can find new photos also in photogalleries of Damien & Sunny.
23.12.2014 - Merry Christmas!!!
We wish you Merry Christmas and all the best in New Year !!
14.12. - our Adelka took a part at Canicross in Košice. 4 kilometers and great result - 26 minutes. Congrats to our girls - Mirka & Adelka!!
14.12.2014 - New web
You are very welcome at our "new" pages! :)
On this occasion, we have updated and completed all sections,
We added health-certificates of test to all our collies (in their profile-cards).
15.11.2014 - PRA-rcd2 test
We received results of PRA-rcd2 examination of our Samantha… Results are N/N (non affected) – we are very happy! :)
24.10.2014 - European dog show 2014
I would like to introduce to you:
Excellent 1, CAJC, EJW ´14, Junior BOB – Damien Black Amins Rhei (12 months)!!
Judge: Mgr. Dana Fialová
We are very proud of Damien. Judge said at the end of judging: „This is MY dog of day!!“ ♥
---) Photogallery from European dog show 2014 (Brno)
You can see new photogallery from our collie-meeting in Košice. From us there were: Dami, Sunny and Adele.
Thank you to our friends for wonderful day!
Our young boys have new photos: Dami a Sunny.
17.10.2014 - Hips examination
Results from Dami´s HD ED: HD A/A and ED 0/0 !!!
He has new photos in his gallery.
05.10.2014 - CACIB Bratislava
Little trip to CACIB dogshow in our capital city Bratislava (with Damien) brought us wonderful results:
Excellent 1, CAJC, CRUFT'S qualification & BEST MALE – BOS !!!
27.09.2014 - Dogtrekking in Budimír
27.9.2014 – We took a part at Dogtrekking in Budimir with collies: Samantha, her daughter Adelaide and our bluemerle roughie-friend Grace.
Thank you to our friend for beautiful saturday :)
You can find some photos here.
22.09.2014 - Dogtrekker Adele
Adelina is our active girl!! She took a part at the next dogtrekking with beautiful results! Congratulations to our princess, we are very proud of you! ♥
We added a few new photos to galleries of our Damien and Samantha.
07.09.2014 - Special collie & sheltie Club show - Košice
We took a part at Special collie & sheltie show in Košice with our youngsters. They all obtained nice result – Excellent, and our little Damien also title CAJC in junior class!! Our Adele, Sunny and Damien successfuly fulfilled required conditions to become brood bitch and stud dogs today.
We are very happy and proud of them!! Thank you to their owners for such a lovely company and nice presentation ♥
We added beautiful new photos in galleries of Sunny and Adelaide.
31.08.2014 - Trip to Berlín
Last weekend in August we decided to travel – to Prague and Berlin. 31.8.2014 we took a part at the Club show in Berlin – Germany. Our Damien was in junior class, as the youngest dog from 6 entries.
He proved his quality very well and won Excellent 1 & CAC-J!!!
Judge was Alan Clarke (kennel Lynway).
Many thanks to our friend for wonderful weekend!
---) Big photogallery from Clubshow in Berlin
We added also new photos to our almost-3-years old Tinky Winky.
24.08.2014 - Sunny news :)
The first and priceles news for us is: Sunny was on hips examinations (HD & ED) and we have great pleasure from reults. He is HD A/A, ED 0/0!!! We are very happy!!!
Sunny has all health tests (CEA/PRA/kat, HD, ED, MDR, DM, PRA-rcd2) free (negative, no carrier)!!! ♥
You can find new photos in gallery of Damien.
Our Sunny is also on proposition of Special Collie & Sheltie dog show.
Sam and Damien are on banner of Special Collie & Sheltie dog show.
20.07.2014 - Trip to Poland
On National dog show in Nowy Targ (Poland) have beautifully presented our three rough collies (Adelaide, Asan and their mother Samantha). They reached great results:
The judge was Barbara Czasławska (PL).
Big congratulations to owners of Adele & Sunny! We are very proud of you ♥
Thank you to our friends for lovely day!!
Some photos from the show in Nowy Targ you can find here.
Adelaide is not only born-model, but very good athlete also. She was very successful on her second dogtrekking – in Bardejov.
05.07.2014 - National dog show Košice
We took a part at National dogshow in Košice, Veľká Ida (SK) with our young male Sunny. His result was Excellent 1, CAJC in Junior class!! ♥
You can find his new, actuall photos in his photogallery.
19.06.2014 - Great health results
We got PRA-rcd2 results of our young boys Dami and Sunny.
Both results are PRA-rcd2 N/N (free) – we are very happy!
New photos in galleries have: Samantha, Damien and Adele.
18.05.2014 - News
We added 2 new photogalleries:
- from Jubilee Club Show (10.5.2014)
- from Club Show (11.5.2014)
17.5.2014 we took a part at Regional dog (all breed) show in Dvorianky. Sunny with Adele were very first time in junior class. Damien still in puppy class – and he won also BIS Puppy!! In competition „Child and dog“ was Dami with handler Kiko at 3rd place – gratulations!! ♥
Thank you to our friend for very nice atmosphare at show! :)
12.05.2014 - Klubové výstavy
10. & 11.5.2014 we took a part at Jubilee Club show & Club show of Collie and Sheltie Club (SK) in Lučenec.
„Thank you“ to all our friends, for wonderful weekend !!!
Amity Fellow of Eternity „Ejmi“ – Very promising
Adelaide Fellow of Eternity „Adelka“ – 2× Very promising, BIS Puppy on Saturday
Asan Fellow of Eternity „Sunny“ – 2× Very promising
Adelaide + Asan were 2. BIS Brace both days
Damien Black Amnis Rhei „Dami“ – 2× Very promising, BIS Puppy on Sunday
ICh. Samantha Sue Zelené tuje „Sam“ – 2× Excellent 1, BIS both days (honor class)
On saturday were Adele, Sunny, Damien and Sam choosen in final competition for „Best head“ and „Best movement“ in breed. Both days were also Sunny with Kiko, and Samantha with Luli successful in the competition „Dog and child“, and won lovely prices ♥
Judges were István Székely and Timea Kakas from Hungary.
♥ Big thanks to owners of our puppies – for first-class care, presetation on shows, and big gratulations to the results!
19.4. – Adele took a part at her very first dogtrekking during Easter… gratulations to our clever girl, and her owner Mirka!
We added new photos to galleries of all collies…
14.04.2014 - Trips
We are very happy – we received the results from DM analysis of our Sunny, and he is DM +/+ (N/N)
We added new photos to galleries of our fast growing-up puppies: Sunny, Dami and Adelaide.
Spring is coming and we are still on trips:
7.3. we took a part at 1st Workshop Relationships between people, animals and nature in Žiliny city with Samantha and Damien.
8.3. Walk in Brezany with Sam a Damien – I created new photogallery from this sunny afternoon.
21.3. With Sunny and Damien we took a part at Workshop at University of Veterinary Medicine in Košice – the theme was „Assisted education of dogs in an educational institution“.
29.3. Trip to Lietava Castle with Samantha and Damien – we added photos from the trip.
30.3. Košice – Bankov – with Sunny, Damien, and Adele we took a part on walk on the hill Bankov. As a company we had lots of friends-collie owners from the east Slovakia. We created new photogallery from this day.
13.4. Little walk with Damien, trip from Kostolany to Košice. Photos from walk.
23.02.2014 - New photos and activities
We added new photos to Damien and Tinky Winky, and to our half-year-old puppies Adelaide, Amity and Sunny ♥
With Samantha we again visited cynological hobby-group in school and also with Damien cynological hobby-group in OC Mirage.
20.01.2014 - TOP DOG Competition 2013
In our Collie & Sheltie Club were evaluated results of „TOP dog 2013“ competition:
Tinky Winky was awarded as TOP 3. collie rough male and TOP 2. collie rough junior male!
Samantha became TOP 3. sporting collie rough! ♥
Our friend Lucka Drietomská approached us with an idea – nás oslovila s ponukou photo shoot in studio – thank you! You can see ftastic photos in photogalleries of our boys Sunny and Damien.
We added new photos also to photogallery of our Sam, and to her daughters Adelaide and Amity.
29.12.2013 - One more collie
We have a new addition in our family – from the beginning of December we welcomed one little tricolor puppy – Damien. Thank you very much to our friends from Amnis Rhei kennel for this fantastic puppy!
More information about Damien you can find on his personal pages. We created also his own photogallery.
We added two new photogalleries from our trips: trip to Kojšovská hoľa hill and walk in Košice – Ťahanovce.
We added new photos in profil to our princess Adelaide.
06.12.2013 - The last autumn news :-)
We added new photos to galleries of our beautiful puppies Sunny and Adele.
Amity has great results of eye-examination – she is CEA/PRA/KAT – free, we are very happy.
27.10.2013 - News
All our collie rough puppies from A litter have found a perfect new homes. We wish them all the best in their new families.
We added photos to galleries of all three puppies.
Samantha crowned her successful show carrier by obtaining CAC, CACIB & BOB and by this she became a new INTERCHAMPION !!!
Tinky was no worse than Sam, he won Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB & BOS at CACIB dog show Bratislava in intermediate class.
05.10.2013 - Puppies
Puppies will be 8 weeks old soon… We added new photos to their galleries.
Also we obtained the results of MDR analysis… and to our big surprise are all our puppies – Amy, Adelka and Sunny are MDR +/+, free.
20.09.2013 - Club show
We took a part at Club show with Tinky Winky. He was the youngest in open class and he won res. CAC – Excellent 2, and was choosed in short list for best headin breed.
We added new photos and video to our Puppies :-)
01.09.2013 - New puppy photos
Our puppies are celebrating 3 weeks soon. We added many photos to their photogallery aad created own card to every puppy: Adelaide, Amity, Asan :-)
20.08.2013 - Samantha - face of dogshow 2xCACIB Nitra
Our Sam was chosen as the FACE of DUOCACIB Nitra dogshow – one of the most prestigious showsin our country throughout the year!!!
Our puppies are growing very fast – they are 1 week old today. I am adding new photos to their photogallery continuously. :-)
14.08.2013 - We have puppies !!!
12.8.2013 were born our dream-puppies after Samantha. We have 3 beautiful and strong puppies – 2 female and 1 male. More information and photos you can find in puppy section.
21.07.2013 - We are expecting!
I would like to announce, we are expecting puppies: our A – litter !!!
In june we had a trip to far Germany for beautiful dog Barclay – Ch. Amalie Prince of Love (import from England) and usg examination confirmed, that our Samantha is pregnant.
We added beautiful photos of Samantha und Barclay together.
During our trip to Germany we went to beautiful Luxemburg. Some photos from the trip in capital city of Luxemburg are here.
26.04.2013 we took a part at charity event Zmysel života, years-old Kamilka with Samantha were entered for dog show, and they won together lots of lovely prizes!
04.06.2013 we visited cynological hobby group in OC Mirage. We taught children about collie breed. I created new photogallery from this day.
09.06.2013 - Summer is coming...
Summer is coming here… finally!! :)
You can see some summer photos in new photogallery from our walk with Sam in our meadows.
03.05.2013 - Collie & Sheltie Clubshow - Terchová
27.4.2013 We took a part at our Slovak Clubshow with both our collies.
Samina was 2nd in championclass bitches, with results Excellent 2., reserve CAC and Tinky Winky won his juniorclass with Excellent 1, CAJC, Youth Club Winner 2013 and he finally became BOB Junior from all 14 collie-juniors at the Clubshow!
From this day is our Tinky officially stud dog.
More information abot the Clubshow you can find in our new photogallery from the show.
We add also new photogallery from our walk in Terchová from Sunday after Clubshow.
We add some new photos to our Samantha and Tinky too. :-)
17.04.2013 - Trip to Holland
In April we were preparing to our big trip. With Janka and Richard wewere invited to the Netherland. We lived in small village Wijdenes by Mrs. Miep van Dulken (kennel Lovely of the Unicorn). We spent few days here, when Miep showed to us Holland. We saw beautiful Holland´s villages, had a walk in near city – Hoorn, had walks by Markermeer – the biggest Holland´s lake (in history sea), we had a trip to north side of Holland by the North Sea, and we were visited famous Amsterdam.
We took 30 GB photos and it is difficult to choos „the best“. :-) I created more photogalleries:
- Travelling to/from Holland, visit to Hoorn and Amsterdam
- Walk by Markenmeer – the biggest Hollands lake
- Visit by the north side – North Sea
Otherwise, we took a part on the big Hollands Clubshow of rough and smooth collies. There were entered 125 collies. In females – junior class were 17 young bitches. We are very happy that our Samantha was awarded as Excellent 3., in champion class. The judge was breeder specialist Alan Clarke from Great Britain. At the show we met lots of friends & colliebreeders…
In gallery you can find the big one from whole Clubshow: KCM – ClubShow of CollieClub in Holland.
25.03.2013 - Hiking
At 25.3.2013 we went with Samantha and Tinky Winky to the trip – to mountain Kľak. We enjoyed next beautiful trip, I added new photogallery from Kľak in our galleries.
18.02.2013 - Tinky Winky in Hungary
15.2.2013 CACIB dogshow FEHOVA – Budapest
Our Tinky Winky (14 months old) won in Junior class in strong competition Excellent 1 and CAC-J !! I appreciate this results because of the judge was breeder specialist István Székely. Thank you for his opinion on my dog.
On 17th February 2013 past 30 years from the day, when was born the first collie which our family have ever had (*17.2.1983). His name was Gaston – he was bought by my grandfather for my father and aunt, he had in pedigree high-quality collies on these ages. All from my family remember him as a really special dog and he usually is the subject of our conversation. After years, when I decided for collies, they all were keen on my decision and collies became the members of our families again… :-)))
I created little photogallery of our Gaston.
4.2.2013 – Samantha in school
We visited „cynological hobby group“ in school – we were invited by Maťka Michalková (big thanks!). Photos taken by Tomino Čontofalský – you can look at lovely photogallery from school. Samantha and me taught little children something about collies.
Everybody enjoyed this time and children learn lots of new information.
28.01.2013 - TOP DOG 2012
Results from all-year competition TOP DOG 2012 of our Club are here :-) I would like to announce that our only 1year old boy Tinky Winky became 1. TOP YOUTH COLLIE ROUGH DOG and 4. TOP DOG COLLIE ROUGH !! Our sweet Samantha became 2. TOP COLLIE ROUGH BITCH 2012 in a strong competition of high quality females!! We are very proud of our collies!!
Tinky Winky has a new photos in his photogallery – at the age of 13 months!
23.12.2012 - We wish you merry Christmas and all the best in 2013 !!!
At 22.12.2012 we visited the Low Tatras with our friends. We decided to go to the Ďumbier – 2043 m. – the highest peak of Low Tatras. The trip was great, the weather was amazing and the views absolutely beautiful…
I added new photogallery from the trip on Ďumbier – photos full of beatiful scenery, mountains, dogs and nature…
We have a big pleasure from our Tinky Winky – we received his hips examinations and the results are: HD A/A and ED 0/0!
We are very happy and make some new photos of him too :-)
At 1.-2.12. 2012 Our Samantha took part on the 2× CACIB Nitra dogshows. We spent wonderful weekend with our friends.
14.11.2012 - Trip to Romania
10.-11.11.2012 – This weekend we made a perfect trip with Janka Brossmannová (bluemerle collies kennel Yaless Blue) to the far Romanian city Craiova. Except the great experiences our Samantha – 20 months old – took home already her third CACIB and also fulfilled the conditions for obtaining the next championship !!! Thanks to Janka and Grace for the company on our unforgettable tour! :-)
Nice photos from this trip you can find here, in photogallery.
Our Tinky Winky is growing up very fast. In his photogallery you can find the newest photos – 11 months old :-)
04.10.2012 - trip to Croatia
New photogallery: trip to Straník.
29.9.2012 at Saturday we took a beautiful autumn weather and made trip to the hill Straník.
At held on the meeting of collie´s breeders and owners in Slovakia – called „Lassie weekend“. This event took place in the beautiful countryside of Kysuce on the wood cottage Kamilka. Thanks to all with whom we can spend a nice weekend!
The perfect atmosphere of the event can be viewed in the photogallery: Lassie weekend.
14.15. a 16.9.2012 I decided to participate on the one CAC and two CACIB dog shows in Croatia with Samantha and our youngster Tinky Winky. Once again, we explored nice new places and the results of our collies was also great. 10-months old sweetheart Tinky Winky got 3× CAJC, 3× Junior BOB, BOB and became the Junior Champion of Croatia. Samantha was again perfectly awarded as 3× CAC, 2× CACIB and BOB.
Thanks to our friends from kennel Radiva Baby for the superb weekend, that we spent together!
More photos from weekend you can find in our photogallery from Croatia.