Our rough collies in press
- Our collies in calendar on well-known website Collie-online Samantha with B-litter in Marc, Asan in June, Damien in November :)
- Damien on banner of Collie Club show 2017 in Žilina
- Damien in english magazine, article written by specialist judge Geoff Duffield
- Asan, Adel, Samantha and Damien on banner of Collie Club Show 2016 in Lučenec
- Asan on banner of Special Show 2015
- Damien, Adelka & Sunny on the poster of collie Clubshow in Lučenec.
- Samantha with her A-puppies again on banner on the website Collie Life.
- Sunny´s portrait in calendar (for April) on french website collie-online
- Adelka and Sunny on proposition of Collie Club Show 2015 - Lučenec!
- Sunny in calendar on famous international collie webpage: collie-online!
- Our Sunny on propositions and catalogue of Special Collie-Sheltie Show 2014 – Košice.
- Samantha and Damien on banner of Special Collie-Sheltie Show 2014 – Košice.
- Sunny and Dami on main banner at website of Dogshows Calendar.
- Our Sunny and Damien on catalogue, and as a face of Jubilee Clubshow & Clubshow 2014 of Slovak Collie & Sheltie Club.
- Our Sunny and Damien again on title photo of famous english site Collielife.
- Our A-litter on title photo of famous english site Collielife.
- Samantha on catalogue at Nitra CACIB dog shows – one of the most prestigious shows in our country throughout the year
- Our article about rough collies as ideal family dogs on www of magazine Mama a Ja
- Samantha on photo in article Hiking with dog in magazine Nielen Pes a Mačka
- Samantha on the cover in newspaper MY Žilinské noviny
- Photo of Samantha and Tinky in article About Collie roughs in Magazine Nielen Pes a Mačka
- Photos of Samantha in article Collie rough – breed profil in magzine Náš pes
- Sam on photos in article about Special collie and sheltie show in Kavečany Košice in magazine Kynologická Revue
- Sam on photos in article about Collie and sheltie Clubshow in Hurbanovo in magazine Kynologická Revue
- Samantha on the cover of book Zelené tuje – 25 rokov chovu kólií
- Photos of our Samantha in book Kólia dlhosrstá – praktická príručka pre majiteľov kólií
- Samantha on banner for e-shop Psíčkareň
- Samantha with Tinkym on banner Special collie and sheltie show in Hurbanovo, 07.09.2013
- Samantha on propositions Collie and sheltie Clubshow in Terchová, 27.04.2013
- Samantha on banner Collie and sheltie Clubshow in Terchová, 27.04.2013
- Samantha on banner Special collie and sheltie show in Kavečany Košice, 01.09.2012